Sunday, August 2, 2015

Down Time!

Was re-sawing some of the lumber we picked up from the sawmill the other day and things were going really well. I had all the lumber separated and stacked according to the order I needed it and how it would be stored when completed. I had tuned up the band saw and had the fence set just right for the majority of the lumber.  The table saw was set to rip some of the wider boards and the planer was just outside the door with a wheel barrow in front to collect shavings.

I started with some cherry and re-sawed four boards.  I put the 5th one on the band saw table, hit the go button, nothing happened.  Only heard a slight buzz from the motor. Dang, I got wood all over the shop, can't do anything else until I get it out of the way.  Heck, I just got it off the rack and spread it out!

Checked the switch on the saw and the capacitor on the motor, both were good.  Off to the electric shop for repairs.

Back at the shop, I finished a couple more tissue box covers and a double deck playing card box.  Thought I would work on some walking canes, but I need the band saw for that.  I could work on the shot glasses, but I need the band saw for that.  Seems like everything I had in progress would need the band saw next.  I didn't realize how much it was used.  I would guess that behind the sander, the table saw was used most, now I have my doubts.

So, a thorough and complete cleaning of the shop was next.  Everything was dusted and put away.  Then we pointed all the fans to the doors and used a leaf blower to blow out the entire shop.  We left the fans running and blew the area out two more times.

Then we cleaned all the saw blades, router bits, and drill bits.  We organized the junk drawer and the scrap lumber bins.

Tomorrow we will work on the computer with some designs for new items we have had in mind.  I'm getting tired of this busy work.  Hopefully, the motor repair man will call!

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